This is a Brand New LG Fridge Temperature Humidity Sensor 6500JB2001B
The sensor detects the temperature inside the refrigerator and sends information to the electronic control.Suits many electronic controlled LG fridge.
Suits Models:
LFX25960SB, LFX25960ST, LFX25960TT, LFX25976SB, GRL25AUQXP, GRL25AUVXP, LMX25985ST, LMX25985SW, GRL258SSWQ, GRL28ANQPP, GRL28ANVPP, LFC25770SB, LFX25961SW, LFX25976ST, LFX25971SW, LFX25976SW, GRB258USNZ, GRL258VSXZ, LFC25770ST, LFC25770SW, LFC25770TT, GRL25AUSJH, GRL25AUSJP, 71013, LFD25860SB, GRL218USJP, GRB218USAH, LMX25981SB, GRL258STWA, LFD25860ST, LFD25860SW, LMX21984ST, LMX25981ST, LFD25860TT, LMX25981SW, 71056, GRF258JSKA, LFX21975ST, LFC25776SB, LFC25776ST, LFC25776SW, GRL258UQGH, GRL258SQKA, GRL258SVKA, GRL258UQJP, GRB258UQAH, GRL258UVJP, GRB258UVAH, LFX28977SB.
To find out whether it is suitable, feel free to contact us.
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